West Yellowstone: Home Again

Our view from the front door has been snowy for some time. Mother Earth just didn’t want to give up her lacy white gown of snow. The first trip into the park was quick and cold but the park is beautiful no the matter the season.

Mark did some repairs on the “bus” and we hibernated through the colder days.

Spring blessed us with a few warm days sprinkled here and there. And we took full advantage of those days. We drove down to The Grand Tetons, rode the open air ferry boat across Jenny Lake and it decided to snow on us (just a little bit, for fun).  Thank goodness I was wearing about 5 layers of clothes (yes really). By the time boat docked and we got off the snow had quit and the sun was out. So we continued our plan to hike to hidden falls.  And, of course, half way through the hike it sleeted and then turned into snow.  Then on way back home the snow turned into rain. Still it was a fabulous day over all. I always thought Texas had the craziest weather, but no. Either every state has its own special brand of crazy weather or it’s following me across the country.

We had a few outings with all the work team. First a play at the Playmill here in town and then we saw the new “Top Gun” at the Imax. It was all Great fun.

Little did we know that a late spring, along with other crazy weather mood swings were just the beginning of what Mother Nature had in store for Yellowstone.

Thanks for checking in on our adventures.

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