Truth in Advertising, (Okay Blogging)

Okay we’ve picked out the best in the first week and a half but, the truth of the matter is this past week or so has been really difficult.

We left Houston with the intent to do some sightseeing to Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico and then drift into Colorado to see Mesa Verde and Canyon of the Ancients.  We were force to change plans because of treacherous cross winds, in those areas.  We veered over to central Texas and we ended up in Capulin, New Mexico. We did a couple hikes there and then up to Trinidad, Colorado with the thought of doing the hike to Simpsons Rest but the road leading to the trailhead was in pretty bad shape so we bummed around downtown Trinidad instead.

The winds were still hounded us, so we decided to head to Palo Duro Canyon for a couple day (you may remember previous posts on that). However, in Palo Dura, life got real.  We had booked two days at the rim for hiking the canyon.  The morning we were supposed to leave the winds were high enough that we didn’t feel save traveling with the rig. So we decided to stay another day (decision was helped by a job offer) …. And yes friends; that was the afternoon in which two tornadoes spawn near the canyon and tore up the visitors center and damaged several RV’s that were in our Park. Ours could have been destroyed as well but for the fact that we had to move to a different site since we changed our reservation. Thankfully no one was hurt in this event. To say I was terrified would be an understatement.  We were doing some work for the RV park owners. It was raining, with a bit of hail; and we were closed up in a metal building, that was their work shed.  We didn’t get the word that the park was evacuated to the storm shelter in the canyon and we watched, helpless, as two tornadoes danced around the park and our trailer with Nala alone inside.

The Lord watched over us and we came through unscathed but, are much more respectful of the power of wind.  The owner asked us if we felt “bulletproof” after all that. Mark told him we felt scared but, extraordinarily Blessed. I think maybe God is trying to teach us to be flexible. Though there was heartbreak for some of the campers, no one was injured and that in itself is a blessing.

Thanks for stopping by and checking on our adventures. We are still doing well and moving forward with our plans.

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One Comment

  1. Great blog, but someone is excited to have her Sis home for a short time!

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