Traveling Home through Utah, part 2

After we left our friends in Hurricane, we stopped over at Moab. We did the sunset to sunrise hike in Bryce Canyon. This was another personal challenge. Mark kept us on track and I made it through. I still don’t get the whole exercise for the sake of exercise but I definitely get the “exercise for the beauty of nature.” And now that I understand what “Hoodoos” are: I am in love again. 

We ran over to Zion and took a jeep tour that ended in a sunset over Zion canyon’s Checkerboard Mesa. No hikes for me here though.

We hiked to Corona Arch as well. Another challenge for me but I got the “opportunity” to worry about my furry baby too. Nala was allowed on this hike and she knows no fear. So I worried enough for all 3 of us.  Again Mark coached me through and I made it happen. Personal challenges met and accomplished. I was proud of myself and ready to head to Texas and have some family time.

We stopped by one Harvest Host location in New Mexico, Wildlife West Nature Park. If you’re looking for a worthwhile and interesting place and are near Edgewood, New Mexican; stop by and see these folks.

Thanks for checking in on our adventures. I’ll get caught up here and get on with the new season. We hope you have your own adventures wherever you are. Please keep up your own posting, here or on Facebook because we do voyeur in to keep up with you guys.

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