Rules of the Road and Our first Job

Map of our travels
  • We’re retired. Let’s take our time and enjoy the journey. There is NO real destination.
  • We settled on the 2-2-2 rule. We would travel not more than 200 miles a day, arrive by 2 pm and stay for at least two nights. So we have one day to enjoy the location (we did not come up with this idea. We read about it and thought it sounded great.)
  • We want to be in a cooler climate in the summer and back South for the winter. (Again not original but sounds like a great idea)
  • We want to see all 50 states in the next 5 year-7 years. Remember that Hawaii trip that got all this started. And we want to do an Alaskan cruise soon. The rest we feel pretty comfortable driving to the rest.

AND THEN…We got a seasonal job. YEAH!

We need to be in Oregon (YES)… In 10 days (oh boy…) Semi – retirement here we come.

We have 2217 miles to go and 10 days to get there. How hard can that be?

Thanks for checking in on us. Leave a comment so we know you stopped by,

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  1. I can’t wait to read your blog posts! Even though I may not always comment, I will be reading!

  2. You both are so amazing. Miles was wanting to know how you came about picking your summer jobs.

    • Thanks for checking in, Mark and I spent a lot of time on youtube and blogs research jobs. There tons out there. Totally worth checking out your options there are many that include housing.. So not RV required

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