Route 66 and Ghost town

After after our one night in New Mexico, we headed straight to Texas. We stopped over for a one night rest in a Harvest Host location, just outside of Clarendon, Texas.

This was a farm location, with big open fields, and housed a Wind Farm. I was concerned that it might be noisy, up that close; but either I was very tired or it just wasn’t that noisy.

This Harvest host also had the remains of a late 1950’s motel from the now ghost town of Jericho, Texas that was once a stop off of Route 66. We enjoyed the night there and then headed for Waxahachie, Texas the next day.

In Waxahachie, we signed up for an 8 week, Christmas season, warehouse job. I thought we were in pretty good shape, after a season in Yellowstone and several hikes along the route home. Boy was I EVER wrong. This job was very physical. We worked 8 hours days, in a 5 day week, for the first 2 weeks; just to soften us up a bit and then moved up to 9-1/2 hour days. It was nonstop lifting, moving, pushing, pulling and walking. Mark worked in the receiving area loading and unloading trucks, stacking pallets and generally moving heavy boxes. I worked in the Bombay area. That’s a line of shuttle bays you drop merchandise into, at a rapid pace, that open, like the bomb bays of an airplane, into the individual store bins to ship out to the separate stores. I ended up most of my time in “virtual Sort”. This is an area that merchandise which was too heavy or too awkward for Bombay; was manually moved and sorted by a human, mostly me. It seemed pretty “IRL” to me but it was called “virtual sort.” SO… Mark and I pretty much thought of this job like boot camp that they paid us to do.

Once finished with “boot camp”, we left Waxahachie, Texas on December 24 and spent the next month focusing on friends and family. Thank you Rob and Lisa, for the Van Gogh experience.

Thanks for stopping by and following our progress. I’m almost caught up with the details of 2021 and will start our new year. Please take time to enjoy the adventures which unfold in your daily life and let us know what’s caught your attention.

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