Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Canyon, Texas

The winds blew us out of New Mexico, almost literally.  Since we hit the east Texas area, they had been blowing constantly; and were often gusting over 30 mph.  Apparently, the high plains (northwest Texas is on the bottom edge) areas of the US are windy and really explain why there are windmill farms everywhere out there. In an effort to get out of those winds; we changed directions and decided to head back to the east. Palo Duro Canyon is an area we have been interested in seeing for years, but had never made the time to visit it.

We landed in a privately owned RV park that was just before the state park entrance. The owners have worked on keeping the park updated and there are several cute small cabins onsite. Onsite are also some awesome ziplines that goes out over parts of the canyon; and they are working on building out a food truck. We had time to visit with the owners and they are good people. This park is the only place that is real close to the State Park, and it can handle a big rig like us. There were also other activities nearby; jeep tours and horseback riding.

We hiked a couple trails in the canyon and got to see a “cave” on one of them. The cave was more of an overhang that was formed when some of the rock face eroded out, but it was a nice feature. The day was partly overcast and so not too hot. After the hikes, we spent the rest of the day in the park.

The next morning, Mark was out walking Nala and spent time visiting with one of the owners. He had remodeled the house and that comment turned into a short job offer. We had no firm travel plans, other than being in Branson Missouri, by the middle of March. So Mark helped on the food truck being built out and I worked on recovering some seat cushions, on their passenger wagon. We ended up staying there for five days and it gave us a much needed break from travel days.

Thanks for checking in on our adventure. We still moving towards our summer destinations, Please check back when you can.

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  1. Love your blogs, but miss my morning coffee buddy!


  2. Rachel Interiano

    Aw I grew up in Palo Duro Canyon since I spent my childhood living in Amarillo! These pictures are so familiar! It’s a hidden gem- you really can’t see it until you are right up on it starting to go downhill into the canyon. So glad you got to explore it and yes- the wind blows relentlessly and most of the time up there in the panhandle!

  3. Rachel Interiano

    Aw I grew up in Palo Duro Canyon since I spent my childhood living in Amarillo! These pictures are so familiar! It’s a hidden gem- you really can’t see it until you are right up on it starting to go downhill into the canyon. So glad you got to explore it and yes- the wind blows relentlessly and most of the time up there in the panhandle!

  4. Patricia Schneider

    How wonderful!! See a beautiful place, make new friends…get paid! It would seem it doesn’t get any better than that.
    Love P

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