On the Road Again

First stop: Oregon?!? We booked a 3 day stay in a KOA, in Burns, Oregon. The main purpose of that stop was to get most of Crater Lake, out of the RV.  There was dust everywhere and we needed to do some laundry. We were blessed to have beautiful cherry trees all through out the park.

We crossed over the “high desert” of Oregon and into Boise National forest. The final bit of road, to our first boondocking location was a nail biting and heart stopping, very slow ride. It took us 45 minutes to go 2-1/2 miles.  The road was dirt and wash-boarded pretty badly. Mark was doing ok, but I’m pretty sure there are permanent grip marks on my side of the truck. The road was mostly a one and half lanes wide and followed the edge of the cliff, along the side of the Snake River canyon. There were two occasions where vehicles stopped and backed up for us, or waited at wider spots in the road. We also crossed over one of the dams; and camped in a pull off parking area, beside Lucky Peak Lake. I said a prayer of thanks for kind drivers on the road that night let me tell you. Once all 56’ of us got into our space it was awesome. The lake was very low, but still beautiful and we had the whole place to ourselves. The generator worked well and the batteries held up fine.  I would have loved to stay a couple of days but we had reservations for the next night so we had to move on.

Our reservations were on private property in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Our first day out, we went to Shoshone Falls. It is the Niagara Falls of the west. It falls into another Snake River Canyon some 300 miles downriver from where we camped in the Boise National Forest.  In the spring and most of the summer it is a truly awe inspiring falls, but this late in the year it is much smaller. We were treated to random small falls on the road side as we descended into the canyon. We Stopped by Dierke’s Lake and enjoyed the hiking trails all through the wilderness at the bottom of the gorge.

Above picture from liveandlethike.com

Our next venture out was to Perrine Bridge which is the only Bridge in the state where it is legal to BASE jump. There was a steady stream of jumpers and instructors heaving themselves off a perfectly good and solid bridge! We watched from the patio of Elevation 486 Restaurant. I had a glass of wine for the courage to watch. LOL. We dropped back down into the canyon to see Perrine-Coulee Falls.

All along the walls of the canyon were sprinkles of red and gold, as Autumn settled gently on the area.

Our last day in Idaho, found us at Malad Gorge State Park and Niagara Springs State Park. We had a picnic lunch beside a lovely stream that ran through the park. On the way to Malad we stopped by Balanced rock for a quick stretch of the legs and a photo op.

Thanks for following our adventures. Next stop Utah. See you there.

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  1. These Re such gorgeous photos of our beautiful nation. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your photos and experience on your journey!! I love your updates and look forward to them. They inspire me to travel and see our beautiful country!! Thank you so much fir the share.

    • We have definitely seen some incredibly beautiful country and meet some awesome and interesting people along the way. Thank you for checking in on us.

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