North Dakota and Theodore Roosevelt

North Dakota helped form Teddy Roosevelt’s love of rugged, untamed nature; and, through him, our National Forest and National parks. Where better celebrate our trips into this beautiful country, than at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota. Okay that’s about all the history I can take.

But seriously, this rugged, wild land is beautiful, our first day into the park we were rewarded with beautiful vistas and plentiful wildlife. Buffalo, prong horn and mule deer, wild horses, coyote, black billed magpie, golden eagle, turkey and prairie dogs all in a couple days and experienced our first buffalo jam.

We spent several days in Medora, ND. It is the tiny city that is the gateway to Theodore Roosevelt National park. We hiked a trail in the Painted Canyon and a quick walk into the Petrified Forest. Both hikes were quick trips because Nala is not welcome in either place.

The weather is cold but clear. This is still not our final destination. Thanks for checking in on our adventures. Headed to Montana next. We hope you’ll share our adventures there,

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