Kentucky and Family Time

Our Son and his family live in Kentucky. We haven’t seen them in over a year. We had a great time with the Kids and grand kids. We built a playhouse as an early Christmas present and spent that time getting to know them all over again. My son has an awesome family and watching the family dynamics was an incredible experience for us.

Our visit coincided with the monsoon season, so even though the pictures don’t show it we were rained out of construction one whole day and several afternoons. So we didn’t get the playhouse completely finished before our time was up but we had a great time and left supplies for them to finish it up.

In Kentucky, we opted to boondock to be closer to the kids. They live out in the country and their acreage is beautiful but the road to their house is very narrow, hilly, and winding. It is a lovely drive, but not with a 40’ rig in tow.  We stayed 10 consecutive days boondocking, our longest so far. Mark and I were very pleased with the rigs performance and it allowed up to stay closer to the kids and cheaper too. Win – Win. Extra side bonus . . . . . we also got fresh yard eggs from our kids, when we left.  And they are delicious.

Thanks for checking on our Adventure.   We’ll see you in Tennessee next week.

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One Comment

  1. How much fun!! It’s exciting you got to see family before the holidays!

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