Kayaking Lake Yellowstone

Our anniversary and Mark’s birthday are within a week of each other. So we typically celebrate them together over the weekend nearest.

This year we arranged a sunset kayak tour on Lake Yellowstone. We left from Grant Marina, where one of the coast guard (ranger?) boats was moored. It looked like she might have had a stove on board to warm up the crew, but maybe not. It gets pretty cold here but, fire on a ship never seems to be a good idea. The sand here was black sand and reminded me of the black sand beaches in Hawaii, where we started this whole journey 3 years ago. We paddled around to Thumb basin and watched the steam rise off the geysers in the sunset. There was several spots that geysers bubbled up through the lake. Like Mother Nature giving us her own version of a champagne toast. The water near shore at the geyser was as warm as bath water. The weather was fantastic. Lovely lady elks greeted us back to land as we left for home. We had a great time.

Our Anniversary dinner was at Yellowstone Playhouse. This is a local “dinner and a show” hangout. The food is really good and the show is always a tongue and cheek version of “real plays”. Our entertainment was “Phantom of the Grand Ole Opry”. You get the idea. It was hilarious and we really enjoyed the evening.

Thanks for checking in. The adventure continues through October the 15th at West Yellowstone and the greater Yellowstone area. And then we move onto the next Adventure. See you next week.

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