Kansas So Much more Than Flat Plains

Our next stop was Kanopolis State Park, near Marquette Kansas. While we enjoyed several hikes on the property and at Mushroom Rock State park, we spent more time in the surrounding small towns. Nala had to wear her shoes for some of the hikes because the thorns and stickers were abundant. She was NOT a happy camper but I think she figured it was worth it, because she loves her walks

Mushroom State Park

Marquette is a tiny town of around 600 but, they gave us a welcome the size of Kansas. This small town boasts a world class motorcycle museum, the Kansas Motorcycle Museum, which can rival any other; and one of the oldest old fashion soda shops still in operation in Kansas. The ladies at their grocery store were the first welcome committee; they helped carry out our groceries and pointed out several places of interest.  We visited their distillery and the local bar and restaurant, walked the pioneer trail and visited with several of the locals. The library had internet so I spent time there to post a blog. Did I mention all this is in a town of 600, and it’s run mostly by volunteers.  While visiting with one of the locals, we found out he knew some of the same people we knew back in Texas.  You know it’s a small world when you can meet a stranger, some 600 miles from home, in a tiny town and you know people in common.  We went back several days to walk through the town. We also discovered Swedish potato sausage while there. It is the Swedish equivalent to Cajun boudin sausage, all be it’s much milder. It is a pork and beef sausage, but with shredded potato instead of rice; and it was locally made.

We dropped by the city of Lindsburg while in the area. It began as a Swedish settlement and we really enjoy the beauty and pride the folks here take in their community. The City Park was incredible. The Playground they created was a masterpiece. Mark and I would have liked to attend an evening concert at the open air amphitheater there, but we didn’t see anything scheduled yet. Nala enjoyed the park and we enjoyed walking around the downtown area. This side trip made for a fun afternoon.

Kansas has been awesome! It is so much more than the flat prairies I had expected. Though we did pass by Laura Ingles’ Prairie, we also found rolling hills, beautiful lakes, quaint town with big personalities, beautifully preserved architecture from another time and wild rock formations.

Thanks for following our adventure. I hope to “see” you next week in Nebraska.

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