Just Next Door, Tennessee

We really enjoyed our time in Kentucky. A few days before we left there; I took some time out to firm up our travel plans to Texas. It was at that time that we realized Tennessee was just next door. In fact, it just about 200 miles to get Mark’s sister’s house. I know I have mentioned that I am geographically challenged before.  Well that is just a little more proof, if you need it.

Mark’s sister and her family have lived in Tennessee of many years. They have been to Texas several times over the years but we figured out it has been ~35 years since we visited them in their home state. While we were right there in the neighborhood; we thought we would try to stop by.

pictures courtesy of David

We called; they were home and we had a wonderful visit. They took us to see the Raccoon Mountain Hydroelectric area and up to see local parts of the Smoky Mountains. Raccoon Mountain is a man made wonder. The mountain has been cored out and water is pumped up from the ground below it. Gravity pulls the water back down, through the mountain and through turbines to generate electricity for businesses and homes in the area. This relieves seasonal flooding and creates electricity. We also met two of Mark’s nieces and their families; as well as spend time with Mark’s sister and her husband. Though it was only for a couple of days; we really enjoyed the time with family; and plan to swing by their home again, when passing through that area.

Our first season has taken us through 11 states, from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Smokies and over 5700 miles. We’ve seen some incredible sights and met awesome people. We’ve made great friends and reconnected with family. Our “first rattle out of the cage”, as my Dad used to say, has been an absolute success. But we are ready to head home for the holidays and get back in touch with friends and family.

Thanks for check in on our adventure. We’ll meet you back in Texas next week.

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