
While Mark and I have truly enjoyed our first season as camp workers, we have looked forward to coming ‘home’ for the Holidays. The RV is where all our physical stuff is but our hearts still call north Houston home.

We have waited in anticipation for a reunion with family and friends and getting back in touch with those people closest to our minds during our travels. The folks our minds would go to when a particular beautiful vista would unfold in front of us. “Wouldn’t Mom love this.”, or “Isn’t this something Matt would enjoy?”

And our homecoming has met and exceeded our expectations, we’ve enjoyed quiet morning sharing stories over coffee with friends, and crazy loud Friendsgivings.  We’ve had fireside chats and work days on the RV. We’ve Skyped and Zoomed; shared fun adventures and gentle reflections of times spent together, and of the times we have been apart. Like so many of you; we are doing whatever it takes to meet with everyone, however we can and as safely as we can.

We wish you all the very Best, this Holiday season.  Hoping y’all find joy and blessings, in every moment that you can and in any way that you can.

Thanks for checking in on our adventures.

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One Comment

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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