Goodbye to Crater Lake

Our contract at Crater Lake has ended and so it is time for us to move on to another adventure.  Mark and I really enjoyed our time here but we are looking forward to new scenery and new possibilities.

Fauna and flora were bountiful in Oregon this summer.  The fauna were more camera shy than the flora. We saw ground squirrels, regular squirrels and Chipmunks daily. We also saw: deer, wild turkey, pelicans, osprey, bald eagles, ducks, geese, coyote, but most were too quick for me to get photos. The flora was more cooperative. The fields and forest bloomed with new colors every couple of days. I guess with the short summer season this far north, the flowers have to bloom quickly and make way for the next set of flowers.

Here are some pictures that didn’t make a story but we wanted to share with you. I hope you enjoy!

Only bears we saw the whole trip

Thanks for stopping by and checking on our adventure. We are headed east to see what other mischief we can get into.  We’ll catch up with you again in Idaho.

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  1. I love that starry sky picture!!! <3

  2. So beautiful! Thank for including us on your wonderful journey! Excited to see where you take us to next! Love Cheryl

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