Ghost Towns

Our nearest ghost towns are Virginia City and Nevada City. Yep, we’re still in Montana. I guess the 1862 miners that traveled to the gold rushes of those days, were lonesome for home?!?

Virginia City has a year round population of just over 200 people. It does still have Hotels, restaurants and Bed & Breakfasts. So it’s not really a ghost town, in my book, as much as a place of well-preserved historical places.

Nevada City, on the other hand, is closer to a ghost town. There is no real population. There are no businesses of today. Because it was a mining town; when the easy veins ran out, the miner and their families moved on. They left behind stories and structures. Many of those structures were cannibalized by the next wave of pioneers. It was the Bovey family that searched out and brought in period correct builds and memorabilia, to create the ghost town of Nevada City. Many of the existing building are staged as they might have looked, at the height of their day. The entire town of Nevada is a living historical museum. We took the small mining train turned passenger coach between the towns.

We made it back to Virginia City for lunch before we headed back home to West Yellowstone.

Thanks for checking in on our adventures. Enjoy your summer.

Major windy day BTW!
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