Flora of West Yellowstone

Summer is finally here. (Okay, I’m a bit behind on posts. It’s almost winter here, but I hope you enjoy the photos anyway) We are “suffering” through 50 degree nights and “sweltering” 80+ degree days. Don’t hate on us now! The wild flowers are putting on an awesome show. They don’t last long. I guess the season is so short they only have a short time to bloom and drop their seeds for next year. It seems you can pass a field of white blossoms on your walk one day and just a couple days later that whole field is purple or yellow.

This is not my home territory so I don’t know the name of most. But I do recognize the Lupine and a few others.

Thanks for following our escape. I hope you take a moment to notice the beauty in your neck to the woods. Whether it’s a concrete jungle or country back roads, beauty is there, just take a breather, look for it, and then enjoy.

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