Family and Friends along the Way

When we set out from Texas, in February; our plan was make our way up to Virginia before turning back to Kentucky and Missouri to see our kids. Then gas prices went through the roof. We made it as far as Hartwell State Park in South Carolina/Georgia and then we reassessed our plans. With gas prices hovering around $5.40+ per gallon and a 100 gallon tank resting in the belly of our “bus”, which gets around 8.5 miles to the gallon; the touring life was getting pretty expensive.
We had previously enjoyed a great vacation, on our cruise; and really felt like time with family and friends was more important than the rest of our planned trip.

We spent a few beautiful days at Lake Hartwell and visited the small town of Lavonia, Georgia with its painted murals and then headed out to Kentucky.

We spent several days with our kids and grand kids; went to a Trampoline park and then to Kentucky Downunder. Our grand kids are growing up so fast, and it was great to spend time just watching them play and be kids. It really made us feel young in our hearts, to see their boundless energy; and then old in our bodies, to watch how long they could keep going 😉 . Nope, I did NOT jump on the trampolines. Yes, we felt young at heart, but we’re not that crazy.

A great day spent at Kentucky Down Under too.

A few travel days later, found us in Missouri. We had a wonderful few days with our other kids there.

Thanks for checking on our progress, in this season’s adventures. Join us next week in Colorado, as we finally fill in that hole on our map; and continue our adventures. Until then enjoy the little things in your life and keep posting on Facebook. We still keep up with y’all there.

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