Downsizing 101


Let’s back up a minute. So we have a plan and it seemed pretty straight forward. Downsize a 2100 square feet home, with 20 years of accumulated stuff to fit a 320 square foot mobile space.

Did I mention we are both crafters and hobbyist too. Quilting took seven packer totes, two sewing machines, a felt design wall and a whole spare bed room and that was just one of my hobbies. Then Mark had a two car garage full of tools. And we had more hobbies. The whole process took months and was exhausting both mentally and physically. Our families and friends thought we were crazy, but lovingly pitched in to help anyway. We had garage sales; we gave things to family and friends. We sold things at resale and consignment shops. We donated things to charities. Some things we put storage, things that we just weren’t ready to make final dispositions on and then we threw things away. When we could finally fit everything in Rufous. We stopped.

And now that it’s done We are LOVING every minute of it.

Come follow us on our Adventure.

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  1. I am checking it on my phone for the first time! It looks great! The gallery works!!

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