Crater Lake first Glimpses

Crater Lake is stunningly beautiful.  It is the deepest and purest lake in the United States. Ranger Shawn says objects lowered into the lake can still be identified at 120 feet below the surface. Because of the purity of the water, the bluest of the light spectrum is the only color reflected back. This creates unbelievably blue water.  When I first looked at the lake I had to take my sunglasses off just to make sure the water was really that color.

But there is so much more to the Crater Lake National Park, for me there were many firsts.

First Bear box (Yeah, I know but, I really have never seen one before,)

First time I’ve seen snow in June,

First snowball in JULY.

The hiking trails are well maintained and offer abundant choices from easy to challenging; as well as from heavily forested trails, to canyon creeks flowing with icy cold waters and lava deserts. Check in on us as we continue our adventure getting to know this park, this trails and this state.

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  1. Joyce a Hoover

    Snowball fights in July and the deepest possible blue water! What a wonderful beginning to your time in Crater Lake.

  2. These were incredible photos! I’ve never seen a bear box either!HAHHAHAHHAH. I’m so glad you guys are traveling and getting to see our country. We miss you but happy for you!

  3. Such a pretty lake!! Looks so fun!!

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