Back to Texas
One more time before summer

We made a brief journey back to Texas. Family came in from across the “Big Water”. We haven’t seen them in years, with Covid and all that business happening. We left the “Bus” in Colorado, at our friends house and drove down in the car.

So we went and had an awesome time with family. Eating, drinking, and enjoying a last bit of Texas sunshine, before we headed back out for our summer home.

Montana here we come! The first stop was back to Colorado, to pick up the “Bus”; and then to Coalsville, Utah spending one more night in each place before moving on.

We hit our first snow in Leadville, CO, then worked our way though Eagle pass. NOT my favorite travel day, this trip, with it being all snowy and such. This is where the GPS lagging made us miss a turn and we had to U-turn on a narrow snowy road. : (

And arrived in West Yellowstone to be reunited with friends from last year and new friends. This will be our summer home again. We have new side trips planned for this year; different hikes, towns and ghost towns.

Thanks for checking in on our semi-retirement. We look forward to sharing our summer with you, and seeing some of y’alls summer, on Facebook. Keep sharing and please check on us too.

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