Animals of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming..

We are only using our actual photos, but I have to tell you we have some awesome photographers and hikers in the group of friend we have met here. So my being a purist with this journal means you’re really missing out on some amazing pics ;having said that we will bring you our travel and pictures from our experiences so far.

Idaho animal pictures

Montana animal pictures. In Montana, its not big brother you worry about watching its the ravens. If you set down anything, trash, food or whatever they will be on it in a heartbeat.

Wyoming picture. Baby buffalo are called “red dogs”. They are about the same size as Nala and have beautiful coppery red coat. I never thought about elk babies having spot like our baby deer at home but they do! And I finally got to see a bear in the wild. Yes in the higher altitudes there is still snow in July,

As I said last post we are in a unique location, we can reach 3 states with a 30 minute drive. This is an extra ordinary situation for this Texas girl to wrap her brain around. Back in Texas, a 30 minute drive usually won’t even get you across town.

Thanks for checking. We hope you enjoy our posts. Drop us a comment on what’s happening in your world. We love seeing y’alls summer pictures on Facebook. Miss our Texas family and friends too.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for blog, enjoying it so far. Way to hot here in SD, first rain today since we got here.

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